Private Duty Home Care
Private duty home care can involve several therapeutic interventions not covered by Medicare, including individualized creative companionship, complex personal care, medication management, assistance with home health therapy exercises as prescribed by home health care therapists, meal preparation, and light housekeeping.
Every Client. Every Time.
As a client ages, changes condition, is newly diagnosed with a disease, declines in cognitive skills, or suffers a sudden setback in his/her condition, the next steps can be confusing, illusive, and very challenging. Assessing the options and determining which are best can be confusing and overwhelming to the average lay person. A Geriatric Care Manager is like a highly knowledgeable and dedicated son or daughter (without personal baggage), who serves as advocate, guide, coordinator, and protector. At Always There, we frequently collaborate with these highly skilled professionals to assist our clients.
We help by:
- Assessing client’s medical, emotional and cognitive health care needs
- Determining extent to which client’s current insurance plan will cover needed services
- Explaining different Medicare plans and their respective impacts for coverage or access to options for care
- Researching options for best quality of care in various facilities, including independent living communities and SNFs, as well as the pros and cons of each
Premium Standard of Care
Each of our clients receives a uniform premium standard of care along with their unique care plans. This standard includes:
- Client Advocacy: When a client is hospitalized or placed in a facility, Always There Home Care advocates for consistent, high quality care and maintains timely communication between providers, clients, and families. We encourage family members and loved ones to visit frequently to assess the quality of care. If family members are not available, Always There staff will assume this role on behalf of the family.
- Placement and Transfer Assistance: When clients move between facilities or between home and a facility, we assist the client and/or family in choosing the best possible facility and transitioning into their new environment, including packing, transporting, and introductions to new facility staff. Once clients are settled in, we monitor their care or provide it with our staff.
- Family support: Many of our clients have long lengths of stay with us. Over time, illnesses become more complicated. Clients may develop comorbidities, requiring possible interventions, or simply decline in functional status. They may not be content to live at home and want to consider transition into palliative care or hospice. Seldom are family members knowledgeable about these aspects of care management.
The financial implications of long-term care at home or in a facility can also be difficult to grasp or manage. We gladly meet with families to help them explore financial assistance options as long-term care insurance, Veterans benefits, Medicaid and other alternatives.
In many cases, we partner with experienced professionals, including licensed Geriatric Care Managers who can facilitate planning, explore available resources, and hold family meetings.
Clients appreciate our caregiver’s special touch

Providing Private Duty Home Care
Our caregivers provide services for four to twenty-four hours per day. These services include complex personal care, individualized creative companionship, meal preparation and more. Reach out to us to tell us about yourself or your loved one, learn about how we can help, and schedule a free consultation.