5 Useful New Technologies for Caregivers

By Carol Bradley Bursack,
Eldercare Consultant

During my peak of providing care for multiple elders, I could have used many of the technology advances available today—though, frankly, there are others that I’d still happily do without.

One type of technology that I found invaluable at the time—and still do—is the personal alarm. These alarms generally come in bracelet, necklace and clip-on forms, and are easy to use in an emergency. They give an elder some sense of security, without being too intrusive.

However, technology has moved forward at warp speed, now offering options that we couldn’t even imagine just a few years ago. Below are five options that I’d likely use if I were beginning my caregiving career today:

Pill dispensers: Most elderly people take a confusing array of medications for various ailments. A quick search on the Internet will bring up pill dispensers with timers, alarms, or that can communicate with computers and cell phones. These dispensers can enable an elder to stay independent longer, if memory or confusion over prescriptions is the main reason for their need for supervision.

Smart phone apps: Some are quite basic, with medication reminders and calendars for medical appointments. Others also include electronic folders for detailed medical information, lists of physicians and copies of Power Of Attorney papers. While some basic apps are free, most of the advanced apps come with a fee attached.

Sensors and cameras: As with smart phone apps, choices abound if you are thinking of home sensors and cameras to help you keep track of your elder from your computer. That way, if there is no movement in an area where my loved one would usually have been active during some period of the day or night, my computer would alert me, and I could check out the situation. To me, the use of cameras to track an elder, while useful, also risks a significant invasion of privacy. I’m not referring to the “granny cam” shots taken where suspected abuse is a factor. If abuse or neglect is an issue, the need to reveal it would override the possible temporary loss of dignity.

GPS tracking: In eldercare, tracking Alzheimer’s wanderers with shoes and other items of clothing that have a microchip and built-in GPS system is becoming increasingly popular. The chip can be activated through a paid GPS tracking subscription. I think that GPS tracking could also be useful for vulnerable elders without dementia. That way, if a person is expected to be home at a certain time and doesn’t arrive, there would be a way to locate him or her to make sure that a fall or other emergency hadn’t taken place. GPS doesn’t present a significant privacy issue when balanced with assured assistance in potential emergencies. Some elders may even welcome the security.

Support Forums: The Internet has brought caregiving support to a whole new level. First of all, there are thousands of helpful articles written by experts on care. Many are by people in the medical fields and some are by veteran caregivers. We can access medical information from top clinics and other user-friendly medical sites. We can obtain in-depth information from disease specific sites as well.

While the incredible growth of technology helps support caregivers in countless ways, if I had to choose just one application over any other, I’d choose the ability to be supported by peers. ■
